Thomas Beresford fought under Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt. He settled in Fenny Bentley in Derbyshire with his wife Agnes, an heiress with…

I read your message in a Garda cafe, miles away from your German stopover. You were en route to fight some war, that lasted longer…

The way she says “you naughty man” when he brushes past her derrière all adds up. So he puts on “Say Wonderful Things To Me”…

The voices spoke when he was alone,
instructing him to carve words with a pocketknife
to the side of an assault rifle.

Windy shore, speckled seagulls,
a black-haired girl with azure eyes, climbing on rocks,
the gray-haired father’s pale hands wiping her mouth.

Afternoon The Bathroom In the bathroom, The plastic bucket stares red, The white walls walk bare, This naked bar of soap, Wants to forever live…

After moringa, also known as drumstick tree or horseradish tree For my auntie, my father’s younger sister, with her liver disease “Let thy food by…

I Wind blew in the dry reeds beside Lake Van while granules of sand stung my face and hands, the hourglass of time fallen on…

While a woman’s dragged flailing from the street tonight (a protester, I see her teeth and jeans), my mother takes the dog around the block…

It’s a rainy night I’m going to a concert at the arena the roof is leaking but the music patches it up.

The river is hurt,
a toxic belly with bloated
minnows, lovers
dumped. I walk its cusp.