Lakshmi Gopal throws light on the persecution philosophers throughout time have undergone over the ideas of equality that they propounded.

Arvind Radhakrishnan explores the craft of writing through his observations of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary.

Sudeep Reguna studies the works of two great writers in his pursuit to understand a society and its culture.

Suhail Rasheed explores the working models of some unique bookstores from across the world, while also throwing light on the culture of bookstore tourism

The same source of light guides the ship with its glow,
But has wrecked our boat with one big blow.

She whispered to me, her abysmal desires,
Her mysteries, her secrets, her fire, her dire.

Every month, The Bangalore Review recommends a reading list, also mentioning in brief why each book must be read.