… in a warm July you lay Christened and smiling … While I, a guest in your green court, At a West window sat and…

In the first of a two-part series, Lakshmi Gopal gives us a view of the future of philosophy through her experience of the World Congress of Philosophy 2013, held in Athens.

Mohit Parikh throws light on the works of Vijaydan Detha, also known as the Shakespeare of Rajasthan.

Manjiri Indurkar reflects upon her reading of Adil Jussawala’s latest collection, The Right Kind of Dog

From the street below, one could never tell that the first floor of #7 Mullick Road was a tenement. This was so because of the…

The train stops in the dense night by a temple that stands on a hillock. A Banyan hugs the walls of the medieval temple where…

Srishti stared at the flurry of activity from the window as she dialed her sister’s number. The bell had just rung in the school right…

While this sounds uncannily like the beginning of a love story, let me tell you that it most certainly is one. Maybe it isn’t exactly the kind of story we’ve spent the majority of our teenage years reading under the covers and wishing we’d have the chance to experience, but it does involve someone I met at an unexpected point of time in my life and fell madly in love with.

That night, the veil of clouds; Torn by a streak of lightening Led once to the arrival Of that infant so born, To face the…

Stretched between wakefulness and oblivion; identity’s rebellion and sleep’s persuasion; I fiddled with the bitter cold star inside me. Dead star with dead dreams at its core….

Every month, The Bangalore Review recommends a reading list, also mentioning in brief why each book must be read.

Every month, The Reading Room showcases a short story, or excerpts of a book, from some of the greatest writers the world has ever seen.