Sudeep Reguna discusses the interpretation of art as seen through Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time”

Arvind Radhakrishnan looks into “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, the novel that changed him, “perhaps forever”

Abhik Majumdar studies the influence the 14th century mystic had on Indian Classical Music, some of which have stood the test of time.

Sushma Murthy studies the representation of feminism in language and translations, through the works of Nicole Brossard

Every month, The Bangalore Review recommends a reading list, also mentioning in brief why each book must be read.

Every month, The Reading Room showcases a short story, or excerpts of a book, from some of the greatest writers the world has ever seen.

The golden-breasted eagle’s home was at such heights that she had to dive several hundred metres to get to work. From her abode on the…

We fold mistakes like clothes,
keeping them alive for another day.
Errors turn into kettle-fossils.

It was one of those times in my life, when I actually had the time to pause and take an account of what my life…

Remember his eyes, that lacked in shine
Remember his dreams, that were broken with time.